Hello WSLL Families:
WELCOME BACK!! We hope this email finds everyone healthy and safe! Who is ready to play some BASEBALL? WEST SALISBURY IS! We are so excited to start up the Spring Season!
Online registration will open December 16, 2024! We are encouraging everyone to register online but understand if this is not possible. For those that are unable to register online, we will be doing in person registration every Saturday in February 2024 from 10am until 2pm. If you need assistance with registration fees we encourage you to visit the following website for financial assistance and instructions: https://everykidsports.org/programs/tmobile-little-league-call-up-grant-application/
Little League will never deny any child the opportunity to play!
Please pass this email on to anyone that may be new to the league this year and interested in playing baseball. The Deadline for registration will be 2/22/2025.
To go to Online registration beginning December 16, 2024, please visit: https://www.westsalisburylittleleague.com and click on Registration Info. If you have an existing account, log in and register your player. If you do not have an account, you will need to create an account. New this year, Registration for evaluation day is part of registration. Please sign up for 1 evaluation for your child's appropriate age group. By signing up, you will give us the time to prepare for the number of kids that we will have at each evaluation.
A $10 discount is offered to each additional player in the same family. If your child attends Pemberton, Westside Primary or Intermediate, West Salisbury or Salisbury Middle you will only need Player Registration Form, Birth Certificate, Medical Release Form, Parent Code of Conduct and the School form signed by their principal. If you have switched schools since last year and your new school is still listed above, you will need a new school form for the new school. If school is not listed, you will need Registration Form, Birth Certificate, Medical Release Form - Required for ALL AGES NOW YOU MUST LIVE IN OR GO TO SCHOOL IN WEST SALISBURY LL DISTRICT TO PLAY AT WEST. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please email [email protected] if you are unsure about eligibility.
Fees and Age Groups are as follows:
Seniors – 15/16
09/01/2008 - 08/31/2010
Juniors – 13/14
09/01/2010 - 08/31/2012
Intermed – 13
09/01/2011 - 08/31/2012
Majors – 11/12
09/01/2012 - 08/31/2014
Minors – 8/9/10
09/01/2014 - 08/31/2017
Pitching Machine – 6/7/8
09/01/2018 - 08/31/2017
Tee Ball 4/5/6
09/01/2018 - 08/31/2021
We are planning for Opening Day to be April 12th. Rain Date is scheduled for April 19th. We plan to have all opening day festivities to include Opening Ceremonies, Chicken BBQ, Hitting Derby and games.
We will have our first Ball Park cleanup day on March 8, 2024 starting at 9am. We have a lot to do to get the ballpark ready for the kids so we are encouraging all families attend. Service hours available for students in need.
ASSESSMENTS: All players from Pitching Machine and up will need to attend assessments. Assessments WILL BE SUNDAY, February 23, 1-3pm for pitching machine, 3-5pm for Minors and Majors. Saturday, March 1st, 9-11am for Pitching Machine, 11-1pm for Minors and Majors. We will announce assessments for Srs/Juniors/Intermediate later.
You need to only attend ONE assessment. Bring your glove, bat, helmet or any other equipment you may have. Please be there at the START of the assessment. We will allow 6-year old’s to assess for Pitching Machine on the dates provided above and will also allow 8-year old’s to assess for Minor League on the dates specified above. All Assessments will be held at West Salisbury. The league officials and managers will determine where the children play. These decisions will be based on the safety of every child. Tee Ball players will not need to come to assessments.
We are looking for Team Managers. Please email [email protected] no later than February 15, 2025 if you are interested in managing a team and please indicate which age group along with your qualifications.
SPONSORSHIP: Are you a contractor, company owner or executive? There are a variety of sponsorships available. We have over 300 players (plus fans and families) who would be exposed to your business. Please email info@westsalisburylittleleague,com if interested in sponsorship. Monies raised by your generous support carry out the Little League Pledge of assisting youth in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being through proper guidance and exemplary leadership. The Little League program teaches our youth about sportsmanship and team building while competing in a healthy environment. West Salisbury Little League is a non-profit organization, supported by donations from businesses and people like you. Keep us on your list for future donations.
WEATHER CANCELLATIONS: can be confirmed by visiting our website at www.westsalisburylittleleague.com and emails will be sent. Facebook will be updated as well.
VOLUNTEERS: Little League Baseball is run by volunteers. We need support from everyone to make the league successful. A completed volunteer form, found on our website, is required for all volunteers. PARENTS can support their children best by providing positive reinforcement on the sidelines during a game. Also, make sure your child is on time for the game and attends practices as directed by the coach. Make sure your child is rested and properly nourished before a practice or game so that they can give their best effort. Set the right example for the children by not criticizing the coaches and umpires during a game. All of us benefit from positive energy on and off the field. Our umpires and coaches are volunteers and give their best effort and many, many hours of their time and for that they deserve our support and respect. And since we are all volunteers, occasional missed calls will happen, and questionable coaching decisions will likely happen at times. It is part of the game (even in professional baseball!) and through these difficulties we learn to accept life’s bumps graciously and to move on to our next at-bat or baseball game with our love of the game intact. We ask that you please remember WSLL provides a tobacco free environment to our players, parents, and guests. Smoking is permitted in the parking area only. Thank you. If you have questions regarding West Salisbury Little League, please feel free to contact, Kristen Wheatley, directly at 443-359-1389. We encourage you to check [email protected] for any updates.
WSLL Board